Pidyon Peter Chamor

RARE MIITZVAH: Rabbi Abuchatezira did a Pidyon Peter Chamor this week

The city of Ashdod, Israel, had the zchus of  the mitzvah "Pidyon Peter Chamor" – which is hardly ever done.

Pidyon Peter Chamor ceremony (Photo: Yaakov Cohen)

A rare ceremony of "Pidyon Peter Chamor" (Redemption of the Firstborn Donkey) took place in Ashdod, Israel, on Tuesday evening. Rabbi Rafael Abuchatzeira led the event at his 'Maskil L'David' study hall, drawing a large crowd of local residents.

The Peter Chamor is a mitzvah where a male firstborn (bechor) donkey is redeemed by the owner of the donkey, who gives a lamb or kid to a Kohen. The lamb is not required to be firstborn.

The mitzvah applies to the firstborn male offspring of a Jewish-owned donkey. The redemption transfers the holiness to another animal, such as a cow, goat or sheep, so that the donkey can be used for work. The other animal is then given to a Kohen. This miztva is similar to a pidyon haben when a month-old male child is redeemed with silver coins given to a Kohen.

Due to its specific requirements, this mitzvah is hardly ever done.

During the event, Rabbi Abuchatzeira first acquired the donkey and sheep, said the brochas and then handed the sheep to Rabbi Yaakov Cohen of the Meron Kollel.

The rabbi also made a Shehecheyanu over a new fruit. After the ceremony, the crowd celebrated with singing and dancing.

Rabbi Abuchatzeira gave a short lecture on the importance of this mitzvah and explained that it brings brochas for for family, life, and parnossah.

Singer Baruch Vizel and the 'Negina' choir provided music, with Shlomo Forster managing the production.

Pidyon Peter Chamor ceremony (Photo: Yaakov Cohen)
Pidyon Peter Chamor ceremony (Photo: Yaakov Cohen)
Pidyon Peter Chamor ceremony (Photo: Yaakov Cohen)


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