Anti-Semitism, London

'Get Out of the City, Jew!': London high school students under assault

The Jewish students were attacked in the city's underground.

The London Underground (Photo: Janv.editor/Shutterstock)

The British Transport Police have launched an investigation into the attack on several students from Hasmonean High School for Boys at Belsize Park underground station. According to Arutz 7, they are treating it as a hate crime.

A mother of one of the victims told the Jewish News: “They chased my son and kicked one of his friends to the ground. They were trying to push another kid onto the tracks. They got him as far as the yellow line.

"I’m not sure how he managed to get away. My son ran a few steps up to try and get help. They ran after him, he was elbowed in the cheek and he hit his head against the wall.”

“My son couldn’t sleep last night. He said they shouted, ‘Get out of the city Jew!' It’s not fair. Why do they do this to us’.”

In response to the incident, Hasmonean High School has refuted certain claims, stating that the descriptions of the attack were exaggerated and that the boys are doing well. They specifically denied the "claims on the Internet" that a Jewish boy was pushed onto the train tracks.

The school is working with the victims and the police to determine the facts. The London Police have started investigating the case as a hate crime and are looking for the perpetrators, suspecting they are students from another high school.


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