The head of the Kiseh Rachamim yeshiva, Rabbi Meir Mazuz, refers to the words of Rabbi Dov Lando that yeshiva students should not go to the funerals of martyrs or to visit the wounded, because "it can interfere with a sensitive person's learning, he will not be able to live afterwards", saying that it is a mitzvah that the Torah people will go to condolences visits to mourners.
In a short video that he posted, Rabbi Mazuz says: "Today I saw someone who suggested to Rabbi Dov Lando that it would be healthy that every time a soldier dies, the yeshiva student would go to console the family. He told him 'no, when he consoles, he will have thoughts of sorrow, he will not be able to study.'"
"According to my opinion, it is a mitzvah to go to comfort, why not?" wondered Rabbi Mazuz and added: "Not all the crowd will go, every day there are such things. We are going to comfort as disciples of Rabbi Akiva who went to fight with Bar Kochba. Today we will not go to fight, he who deals with the Torah he doesn't know to wield a "David's Sling" weapon, but to encourage the poor, the family, to encourage them, to talk to their hearts. To comfort them. We have to do it.
"A quarter of an hour, half an hour, every day someone else. May God, thanks to this, stop all these hardships from us. He will give us a good and long life and subdue all our enemies, crush them. As Rabbi Yehuda Halevi once said, "Their roots I will crush, and the fruit of the chopper and the blasting hammer send to the idols."