Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara submitted tonight (Tuesday-Wednesday), the state's response to the Supreme Court to a petition regarding Haredi conscription. The document states that as of July 2026, there are no restrictions on the ability of the Haredi public to be absorbed into the IDF.
It also states that by the end of June 2025, the IDF will be able to absorb about 3,000 ultra-Orthodox in addition to the 1,800 who enlist each year on average. In addition, the behavioral sciences department is required to conduct rapid research and learning that will enable the adaptation of the DPR tests to the Haredi population, and the personal interview has also undergone adjustments.
The Attorney General noted that the IDF must make changes in order to adapt the service to the needs of the Haredim and to absorb them in the immediate term. "In order to explain the situation, it should be noted that the target set by the state for the enlistment of 4,800 ultra-Orthodox in the coming year means an increase of nearly three times compared to the average number of ultra-Orthodox recruits per year," she wrote.
* Channel 14 contributed to this article.