Two young Chabad-Lubavitch students were attacked last week in the early morning hours in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, according to COLive.
The incident occurred around 3:00 AM Wednesday at the intersection of Brooklyn Avenue and Eastern Parkway, close to the Chabad World Headquarters - known as "770."
While the students were waiting at a traffic light, two suspects emerged from a vehicle in front of them, approached them and began punching them, choking them, and shouting threats. The attackers then fled the scene.
Crown Heights Shomrim, a neighborhood safety patrol, assisted the victims in filing a police report. Law enforcement is currently investigating the incident and searching for the perpetrators. The victims received medical attention from Hatzalah emergency responders at the scene.
Crown Heights is a Brooklyn neighborhood that serves as the global center of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. The area is home to thousands of Chabad families alongside African American residents. Many students from Israel study there throughout the year.
Kikar HaShabbat contributed to this article.