After a long wait, successful singer-songwriter Yishai Ribo is releasing his new album "Sof Chama Lavo".
Ribo launched the album at a massive concert in Madison Square, New York in front of 13,000 people. He had started working on the album before October 7th, but paused work when the war broke out. During the war, he frequently performed to uplift and strengthen the Israeli people.
This is Ribo's fifth studio album, released on the 10th anniversary of his first album. It contains 11 diverse songs, including tracks about the Land of Israel, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, and one dedicated to hostages called "Porchim L'Shuvam" (Blooming for Their Return).
Ribo expressed excitement about the release, saying he's grateful to God for the journey and acknowledging it took a long time and required patience from his fans. He said he finally has new songs to share with his audience.