Elul, Cizzuk, Rav WOlbe

Rav Wolbe ztz"l: How to embrace Elul

Rav Shlomo Wolbe zt"l' teaches us how Elul can be a Summer Getaway for your neshomah."

Jewish man blowing the Shofar (horn) (Photo: Shutterstock / tomertu)

Elul is traditionally viewed as a period of introspection and trepidation in anticipation of the Yamim Noraim, but beloved Mashgiach Rav Shlomo Wolbe stzl offered a refreshing and uplifting approach to these sacred days.

A Month of Divine Endearment

Rav Shlomo Wolbe, drawing on the teachings of the Saba of Kelm, presents Elul in a light that might surprise many. "The days of Elul and the Yamim Noraim carry both joy and trembling," he writes. This duality, far from being contradictory, forms the essence of our relationship with Hashem during this auspicious time.

Rav Wolbe elaborates on the Ramban's insight that Elul's mazal (zodiac sign) of Besulah (Virgo) signifies the deep affection between Klal Yisrael and our Father in Heaven. This period, then, becomes not just one of fear, but of profound closeness and love.

Spiritual Vacation Days

In a striking analogy, Rav Wolbe compares Elul to a spiritual vacation. Just as we might take time off for physical recuperation, these days serve as "Die Datche Zeit" – country time for the soul. It's a period where we can bask in the warmth of Hashem's presence and rejuvenate our spiritual selves.

"The days of Elul are the brightest and most beautiful 'days of sun' in spirituality," Rav Wolbe explains. "Even the most glorious summer days pale in comparison to the spiritual radiance of Elul."

Living Truly

But what does this spiritual vacation entail? For Rav Wolbe, it's about connecting to true life – "chaim amiti'im." Drawing on the words of Rabbeinu Yonah, he explains that the ultimate desire of tzaddikim is not merely to exist, but to live in a way that's filled with Hashem's favor.

"We occasionally feel 'true life' in moments of elevation," Rav Wolbe notes. "But the goal is to make every moment of our lives infused with this spiritual vitality."

Practical Takeaways

As we enter this sacred month, how can we apply Rav Wolbe's teachings?

1. Cherish Every Moment: Approach Elul with the same enthusiasm as you would a long-awaited vacation. Every minute is precious and filled with potential.

2. Seek the Sun: Just as we might soak up the sun's rays on a beach holiday, allow yourself to bask in the spiritual light of these days through increased Torah study and tefillah.

3. Embrace Joy: While maintaining appropriate awe, don't forget to experience the joy of coming closer to Hashem.

4. Find True Life: Look for moments of spiritual elevation in your daily routine and try to extend them, making your entire day a expression of "chaim amiti'im."


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