With just three weeks until Rosh Hashanah, it's time to start planning your yontif meals. Don't worry – we've got you covered with this easy-to-follow guide that will have you serving up tasty meals without breaking a sweat.
Week 1: Plan and Prep (It starts today!)
1. Menu Planning: Jot down your menu ideas. Think traditional favorites like round challah, the must-have honey cake and apple cake, and (my family's personal fave) tzimmes. Don't forget to include some make-ahead dishes!
2. Guest List: Finalize who's coming and note any dietary restrictions.
3. Shopping List: Break it down into non-perishables, freezer items, and fresh ingredients.
4. Deep Clean: This one is probably going to be the least enjoyable, but do it anyway: Give your kitchen a thorough scrub-down. You'll thank yourself later!
5. Paper Goods: Even if you don't normally use paper goods, with a 3 day yontif coming up, it might be time to invest in some pretty disposables. Elegant paper plates, fancy plastic cutlery, and decorative napkins can significantly reduce your post-yontif cleanup time without sacrificing the festive atmosphere. Look for designs that complement your decor – think rich autumn colors or gleaming golds and silvers. This simple switch can free up hours of dishwashing time, allowing you to focus on what really matters: spending quality time with family and friends as you usher in the new year.
You can also mix it up: Use paper plates and real silverware and glasses. Anything that makes your life easier! And honestly, there is so much gorgeous stuff available. It's not like before, when paper goods meant boring and basic.
6. This Thurdsay / Friday, double up on (all or some of) your shabbos cooking this week and freeze in foil dishes. Some things which might not freeze well are rice and mashed potatoes, so it might be best to avoid those. On the other hand, cakes and kugels are always winners when it comes to prepping ahead.
Note: Even if you don't have an extra freezer, you can freeze quite a few 9* 12 foil pans on top of each other.
Week 2: Start Cooking
1. Challah: Bake and freeze your round challahs. Pro tip: Wrap them tightly in foil before freezing.
2. Chicken Soup (or any soup your family enjoys): Make a big batch and freeze in portion-sized containers.
3. Desserts: Bake honey cakes, rugelach, or mandelbrot. Most freeze beautifully!
4. Sides: Prepare and freeze dishes like kugel or tzimmes.
Week 3: The Home Stretch
1. Fresh Produce: Buy fruits and vegetables that will last until yontif. A fun idea is to get different types of apples for the simanim. Also remember to get everything else you need for your simanim platter: carrots, leeks, gourds, dates and of course, a new fruit (or 2) for 2nd night Shehecheyanu.
2. Fish: Purchase your gefilte fish or ingredients to make it fresh.
3. Meat and Poultry: Buy brisket, chicken, or whatever main dishes you're planning. Don't forget the fish's head if that's your minhag.
4. Set the Table: A few days before, set your yontif table. It's one less thing to worry about!
5. Final Touches: The day before, defrost your pre-made dishes and do any last-minute cooking.
The key to stress-free yontif cooking is planning ahead. With this schedule, you'll be able to greet 5785 with a smile – and a table full of delicious food.
Shana Tova!